For $58 you get an Entree, Main & Dessert per person. We fortunately had vouchers from www.scoopon.com.au/sydney that got us dinner for 2 with a bottle of Rothbury Estate Wine at $69 for two people.
One white and one red please!
And out came a bottle of Semillon Sauvignon Blanc and a Shiraz Cabernet.

The SSB went beautifully with the mounds of escargot and seafood that was ordered. It's pale hay bale colour visually complimenting the beautiful escargot shells (Entree) and lightly battered calamari and soft shell crab; while enhancing the red of the mild chilli in the mussels and mesclun salad in the Seafood platter (main).

The nose was fresh with a very delicate hint of lime and tropical fruit.
Mini taste before the food: Hmmm....Un-oaked. I like.
I took one bite of the righteous buttery garlic infused Escargot and a sip of SSB.

And wow! Perfect compliment. Bright sweet flavours of a summer tropical punch came through and further enhanced the Escargot. The story continued with the seafood platter with the fresh lime from the Semillon side of the SSB cutting through the creamy aoili and the soft shell crab's beer batter.

The Semillon Sauvignon Blanc was a popular one on the table and we finished the bottle well before the Dessert came.

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