Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rekorderlig Premium Strawberry-Lime Cider

Rekorderlig Sweedish strawberry-lime cider. PREMIUM Cider.

I was first introduced to this drink 3 weeks ago when I went out with a bunch of friends to King O’Malleys Irish Pubdown in Canberra (“You have to try the chicken parmy at KingOs” my friend said to me. I thought that at 10.30pm it would be too big. Instead I ordered the beer battered fish n chips at $18.90 which was stupid. Coz it was a whopping giant delicious 2 fillets on a mountain of chips and salad. I should say I was stupid. Coz it tasted so good I had to finish it. I had to run 2ks and up my weights at 6.20am the morning after).
My friend was the one who ordered the Rekorderlig for approx. $10 for a bottle that came out with a glass full of ice. She filled her glass to the top, got me another schooner of ice which I filled with the cider. And once the drink filled to the top, there was still more to go around.
Unlike the average cider, this strawberry-lime cider has less head that disappears as quickly as your average fizzy drink like lemonade.
It’s pretty, it’s pink, its sweet, fizzy and smells like strawberry and kiwifruit.
On the taste buds, it tastes like strawberry jam ending on a crisp note of lime.
At 4% Alcohol content I’m thinking it’s a good substitute for moscato for my friends who are driving. I’m also thinking that at ~$6 for 500ml (bought at Dan Murphy’s) it’s a similar price to the cheaper Moscato bottles out there.


  1. Pear eh? I like the sound of that. I'm gonna stick that on my hit list!

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